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Portable Mini Lab for COVID-19 Express Diagnostics

Portable Mini Lab for COVID-19 Express Diagnostics

Intended Use

The portable mini lab is designed to quckly detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA presence in biological material by using realtime isothermal amplification from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs and sputum.

Testing time - 45 minutes, including pretreatment procedure (3 minutes/sample) and the isothermal amplification reaction (not more than 25 minutes).

Average laboratory on-the-flow capacity is 20 samples/hour.

Sensitivity - from 100 particles.

Portable Laboratory Includes:

1. Pretreatment device (for RNA isolation) - 1 pc.
2. Isothermal amplifer (for detection) - 1 pc.
3. Automatic pipettes - 2 pcs.
4. Single-use tips for pipettes.
5. Microtube rack.
6. Laptop.

Concumables Required for Testing:

1. Detection kit for the SARS-CoV-2 RNA presence.
2. Reagent kit for the SARS-CoV-2 RNA nucleic acids extraction.


Portable lab - no expiry date when t = +2…+35°С (non-condensing).
Detection kit for the SARS-CoV-2 RNA presence – 12 months (-20°С), 7 days (+2…+4°С).
Reagent kit for the SARS-CoV-2 RNA nucleic acids extraction – 12 months when t = +2…+30°С.

Environmental Conditions

Temperature: +18…+25°С.
Humidity: 30-75%.

Required Staff:

1 laboratory assistant duly trained to work in a PCR laboratory.