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RDIF test systems to be actively used in airports - chief executive

25.06.2020, TASS

EMG coronavirus diagnostic test systems developed by Russian and Japanese researchers will be proactively used in world’s airports, chief executive of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev said on Thursday at a round table organized by the Fund and the Rossiya 24 TV Channel.

"Use of such systems in airports for their opening is a highly promising task. We are working with the airport in Dubai now; we plan to work in particular with the Athens airport," Dmitriev said. "EMG test systems have been used recently right in the Vnukovo Airport to test delegations arriving for the parade, including heads of delegations," he said.

The EMG Russian-Japanese coronavirus diagnostic system developed with RDIF engagement makes it possible to have the result in 30 minutes. The system is proactively used in Russian hospitals, laboratories and industrial companies.

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